Monday, August 10, 2009

Latoya Speaks On Her Album, Beyonce, & Love interviewed Latoya here it is:
Bossip got to chop it up with LeToya Luckett and she dished on everything from Beyonce and Mathew Knowles to why she split with Slim Thugg ….and of course she threw in what she’s working on too, including her sophomore album Lady Love which is set to be released on August 25th.

Bossip: You recently went in on bloggers and how negative they can be… yet you sit down with the biggest blog site out,, to promote your current projects. Why is it ok for blogs to report the good and not the bad?

LeToya: I feel for one, bloggers they’re good when you’re in the middle of a project or something like that, and that visibility, they keep you out there. I feel that some people in this day and time, they’re just looking for negativity. They are so quick to show a person messing up here and messing up there, but it’s like did they see me when I was at this charity event, but to some people that’s boring and I’m not saying it’s the blogs fault for that, it’s addictive, I mean I go to your site every day, so for that reason you have to take the good with the bad. There are some sites like your site that don’t put a prejudged title across a picture.

Bossip: That brings us into our next question, are there any specific blogs you absolutely hate?

LeToya: Oh no, I’m not going to hate on anybody. But you do have some sites that give a picture and say “Look at LeToya looking a Mess.” And then you already have a prejudged opinion before you even look at the picture and you’re waiting to see me look a hot mess.

Bossip: It seems like every time we hear your name it is constantly followed by Beyonce or Matthew Knowles, how do you feel about that? Seeing as you are building your own identity after that situation.

LeToya: I think the thing about that is people are going to always associate me with that, it’s a thing from my past and it’s nothing that I’ll ever get frustrated about because that’s where people know me from. Me, Bey and Matthew, we haven’t seen each other in a while, besides the last BET Awards before that I hadn’t seen her in years. People would like to surround that with conflict and negativity but it’s not about that. She’s gone on with her career and I’ve gone on with mine. We don’t see each other and square up or nothing like that.

Bossip: With that being said were you initially supposed to perform on the BET awards pre-show or did that happen after the Matthew, Beyonce fiasco?

LeToya: I’m not aware, I have no idea. I can’t confirm that any of those are true. Me being able to present with Chaka Khan and perform was great to me everything else surrounding it was kind of just like whatever.

Bossip: We were gunning for you. You said before you learn to deal. What did you mean by that in regards to this situation?

LeToya: Life is gonna happen, you can’t stop that train. Situations are going to come your way but it’s all in how you react to it. If you let it weigh on you it will. My motto has always been “It ain’t that bad.”

Bossip: What happened with Slim Thugg, you all kind of just fell off?

LeToya: Wow, people are still on that, that’s so old. We broke up like 2 years ago.

Bossip: Yes and you two still manage to be seen together out and about so it leads us to wonder…

LeToya: Yea it’s the mystery of are they or… but he’s doing his thing and I’m doing mine.

Bossip: Are you dating?

LeToya: Nooo… It takes a lot to deal with someone in the industry because they’re never home, they’re never in one place, you know trust factor all those things, so I’m just waiting on the right one. I hope the Lord will send him soon.

Bossip: Well just in case God is listening, who in the industry would you want to have one night to yourself with?

LeToya: It is cute guys out there (laughing) but no.

Bossip: Any rumors you want to clear up?

LeT oya: Wow ya’ll really went over everything but just the negative comparisons with me and Bey, you know they won’t just let us live and be our own person. It’s like we’re all women. There are only about three things we can talk (sing) about “he did me right, he did me wrong, or he cheated on me.” However you decide to sing that baby is your doing. It’s always a comparison, and the crazy thing is you don’t see that in pop culture only urban. Let’s stop tearing each other down.

Bossip: We think that what happens is Beyonce clearly is dominating the game in an overexposed way, and people are searching for someone to knock her down and make room for people such as yourself, how do you tackle your spot?

LeToya: I can see that with some of the blogs and things like that but I wouldn’t want to knock her down, if she’s doing her thing she’s doing her thing, if I’m over here I’m over here, Ciara, Keyshia whatever… Back in the day you had your groups and all these different artists and nobody said “damn Boyz II Men had leather suits on in this concert and so did Jodeci.” People would just rock back then and that’s what’s sad about today.

Bossip: Now out of all the Destiny’s Child rejects, you’ve been one of the most adamant ones to gain your own shine and do your thing, but there was a little rough patch where we didn’t hear anything what went down with your PR?

LeToya: You want to talk let’s talk, we had to get that together. That wasn’t right, I’m going to just be all out and honest. We just got that in place, I recently just got a team around me that are about getting me that exposure and putting me out there.

Bossip: What should we expect on the new CD “Lady Love,” any tracks geared at specific people i.e. relationship experiences, beyonce beef etc.?

LeToya: No beef, no beef at all, this album is based on everything that I’ve been through in the past couple years and my whole love life period. It has a lot of ballads and mid tempos about love, hate and regret; all those different things about love, and I think that’s because I’m a hopeless romantic.

Bossip: So are any of those “you regret what you had” tracks geared towards Slim (Thugg)?

LeToya: I definitely draw from inspiration, I’m not trying to bash nobody but I do talk from my own experiences. With that song I actually just wrote a piece of it. I had some help from Tank and J.Valentine so they could have wrote from their experiences as well.